Fungus - Lichens

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Acroscyphus sphaerophoroides Mountain Crab-eye Acroscyphe des montagnes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Anzia colpodes Black-foam Lichen Anzie mousse-noire Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Chaenotheca servitii Flexuous Golden Stubble Lichen Chénothèque de Servit North American Low Star Rating View PDF
Collema coniophilum Crumpled Tarpaper Lichen Collème bâche Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erioderma mollissimum Vole Ears Lichen Érioderme mou Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Erioderma pedicellatum pop. 1 Boreal Felt Lichen - Atlantic population Érioderme boréal - Population de l'Atlantique Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Erioderma pedicellatum pop. 2 Boreal Felt Lichen - Boreal population Érioderme boréal - Population boréale Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Fuscopannaria leucosticta White-rimmed Shingle Lichen Fuscopannaire à taches blanches; Pannaire à marges blanches Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Heterodermia hypoleuca Cupped Fringe Lichen Hétérodermie méridionale; Hétérodermie à dessous blanchâtre Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Heterodermia sitchensis Seaside Centipede Lichen Hétérodermie maritime Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Heterodermia squamulosa Scaly Fringe Lichen Hétérodermie squameuse; Hétérodermie squamuleuse Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hypogymnia heterophylla Seaside Bone Lichen Hypogymnie maritime Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Leptogium rivulare Flooded Jellyskin Collème des terrains inondés; Leptoge des terrains inondés Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lobaria retigera Smoker's Lung Lichen Lobaire réticulée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pannaria lurida Wrinkled Shingle Lichen Pannaire jaune pâle; Pannaire ridée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Peltigera gowardii Western Waterfan Lichen Peltigère de l'Ouest; Peltigère éventail d'eau de l'Ouest Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Peltigera hydrothyria Eastern Waterfan Peltigère de l'Est; Peltigère évantail d'eau de l'Est Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Phaeocalicium minutissimum Red Oak Stubble Lichen Phéocalicie du chêne rouge Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Physconia subpallida Pale-bellied Frost Lichen Physconie pâle Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pseudevernia cladonia Ghost Antler Lichen Pseudévernie fantôme Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sclerophora peronella pop. 1 Frosted Glass-whiskers - Atlantic population Sclérophore givré - Population de l'Atlantique Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Sclerophora peronella pop. 2 Frosted Glass-whiskers - Pacific population Sclérophore givré - Population du Pacifique Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Scytinium platynum Batwing Vinyl Lichen Collème ridé; Leptoge à grosses spores Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Scytinium polycarpum Peacock Vinyl Lichen Collème fertile; Leptoge à quatre spores Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Teloschistes chrysophthalmus pop. 1 Golden-eye Lichen - Prairie / Boreal population Téloschiste ocellé - Population boréale et des Prairies Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Amphipods

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Stygobromus canadensis Castleguard Cave Stygobromid Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Stygobromus quatsinensis Quatsino Cave Amphipod Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Ants, Wasps, and Sawflies

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Campsomeris pilipes Yellow Scarab Hunter Wasp Scolie dorée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Leptothorax athabasca Athabasca Thin Ant Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Leptothorax paraxenus Guarded Guest Thin Ant Global Insufficient Data View PDF
Leptothorax pocahontas Pocahontas's Thin Ant Global Low Star Rating View PDF

Invertebrate Animal - Bee Flies

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Exoprosopa doris Doris's Bee Fly Bombyle de Doris Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Bumble Bees

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Bombus affinis Rusty-patched Bumble Bee Bourdon à tache rousse Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bombus bohemicus Ashton Cuckoo Bumble Bee Bourbon d'Ashton; Bourdon bohémien Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bombus fervidus Golden Northern Bumble Bee Bourdon ardent Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bombus mckayi McKay's Western Bumble Bee Bourdon de McKay; Bourdon de l'Ouest Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bombus mckayi McKay's Western Bumble Bee Bourdon de McKay; Bourdon de l'Ouest Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bombus morrisoni Morrison's Bumble Bee Bourdon de Morrison Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bombus occidentalis Western Bumble Bee Bourdon de l'Ouest; Bourdon de l'Ouest de la sous-espèce occidentalis Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bombus pensylvanicus American Bumble Bee Bourdon américain Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bombus suckleyi Suckley's Cuckoo Bumble Bee Bourdon de Suckley Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bombus terricola Yellow-banded Bumble Bee Bourdon terricole; Bourdon à bandes jaunes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Butterflies and Skippers

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Apodemia mormo pop. 1 Mormon Metalmark - Southern Mountain population Mormon - Population des montagnes du Sud Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Apodemia mormo pop. 2 Mormon Metalmark - Prairie population Mormon - Population des Prairies Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Argynnis zerene bremnerii Bremner's Silverspot Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Callophrys johnsoni Johnson's Hairstreak Porte-queue de Johnson Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Callophrys mossii mossii Moss' Elfin Lutin de Moss Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Chlosyne hoffmanni Hoffmann's Checkerspot Damier de Hoffmann Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Coenonympha nipisiquit Maritime Ringlet Satyre fauve des Maritimes Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erebia youngi herscheli Four-dotted Alpine, herscheli subspecies Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erora laeta Early Hairstreak Lutin mystérieux Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erynnis martialis pop. 1 Mottled Duskywing - Great Lakes Plains population Hespérie tachetée - Population des plaines des Grands Lacs Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erynnis martialis pop. 2 Mottled Duskywing - Boreal population Hespérie tachetée - Population boréale Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Erynnis persius persius Eastern Persius Duskywing Hespérie Persius de l'Est Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Erynnis propertius Propertius Duskywing Hespérie de Propertius Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Euchloe ausonides insulanus Island Marble Marbré insulaire Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Euphilotes ancilla Rocky Mountain Dotted Blue Bleu tacheté des Rocheuses Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Euphydryas editha taylori Taylor's Checkerspot Damier de Taylor Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Euphyes dukesi Dukes' Skipper Hespérie de Dukes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Euphyes vestris vestris Western Dun Skipper Hespérie rurale de la sous-espèce vestris Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hesperia colorado oregonia Oregon Branded Skipper Hespérie du Colorado Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hesperia dacotae Dakota Skipper Hespérie du Dakota Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hesperia ottoe Ottoe Skipper Hespérie ottoé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Icaricia saepiolus insulanus Vancouver Island Blue Bleu insulaire Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Limenitis weidemeyerii Weidemeyer's Admiral Amiral de Weidemeyer Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Notamblyscirtes simius Simius Roadside-Skipper Hespérie Simius Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Oarisma poweshiek Poweshiek Skipperling Hespérie de Poweshiek Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Papilio indra indra Indra Swallowtail Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Plebejus samuelis Karner Blue Bleu mélissa Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Polites sabuleti Sandhill Skipper Hespérie des dunes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Polites sonora Sonoran Skipper Hespérie du Sonora Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Satyrium behrii Behr's Hairstreak Porte-queue de Behr Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Satyrium favonius ontario Northern Oak Hairstreak Thècle méridionale d’Ontario Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Caddisflies

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Lepidostoma astanea Spurred Bizarre Caddisfly Lépidostome éperonné Global Partially Reviewed View PDF

Invertebrate Animal - Dragonflies and Damselflies

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Argia vivida Vivid Dancer Agrion vif Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Gomphurus ventricosus Skillet Clubtail Gomphe ventru Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Ophiogomphus howei Pygmy Snaketail Ophiogomphe de Howe Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Phanogomphus quadricolor Rapids Clubtail Gomphe des rapides Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Stylurus amnicola pop. 1 Riverine Clubtail - Boreal population Gomphe riverain - population boréale Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Stylurus amnicola pop. 2 Riverine Clubtail - Great Lakes Plains population Gomphe riverain - population des plaines des Grands Lacs Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Stylurus amnicola pop. 3 Riverine Clubtail - Prairie population Gomphe riverain - Population des Prairies Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Stylurus laurae Laura's Clubtail Gomphe de Laura Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Stylurus olivaceus Olive Clubtail Gomphe olive Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Freshwater Mussels

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Simpsonaias ambigua Salamander Mussel Mulette du Necture Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Freshwater Snails

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Fluminicola fuscus Ashy Pebblesnail Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Physella columbiana Rotund Physa Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Giant Silkworm and Royal Moths

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Anisota finlaysoni Finlayson's Oakworm Moth Anisote de Finlayson Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Anisota manitobensis Manitoba Oakworm Moth Anisote du Manitoba Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hemileuca maia menyanthevora Bogbean Buckmoth Hémileucin du ményanthe Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Hemileuca nuttalli Nuttall's Sheep Moth Hémileucin de Nuttall Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Grasshoppers

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Bradynotes obesa Slow Mountain Grasshopper Criquet obèse Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bruneria yukonensis Yukon Grasshopper Criquet du Yukon Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Buckellacris hispida Bristly Grasshopper Criquet hispide Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Cratypedes lateritius Nevada Red-winged Grasshopper Criquet rouge brique Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Dissosteira spurcata Pale-winged Grasshopper Criquet à ailes pâles Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hesperotettix viridis Snakeweed Grasshopper Criquet à rayures violettes Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Melanoplus digitifer Long-toed Grasshopper Criquet digitiforme Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Melanoplus gaspesiensis Gaspésie Grasshopper Criquet de la Gaspésie; Mélanople de Gaspésie Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Melanoplus madeleineae Magdalen Island Grasshopper Criquet des Îles-de-la-Madeleine; Criquet des îles de la Madeleine Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Melanoplus rugglesi Nevada Sage Grasshopper Criquet de Ruggles Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Melanoplus scudderi Scudder's Short-winged Grasshopper Criquet de Scudder Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Oedaleonotus enigma Valley Grasshopper Criquet énigmatique Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Trimerotropis huroniana Lake Huron Grasshopper Criquet du lac Huron Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Trimerotropis huroniana Lake Huron Grasshopper Criquet du lac Huron Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Isopods

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Salmasellus steganothrix a cave obligate isopod Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Katydids and Crickets

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Atlanticus davisi Davis's Shieldback Sauterelle de Davis Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Atlanticus testaceus Protean Shield-backed Katydid Sauterelle à pattes courtes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Mason Bees

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Osmia pulsatillae Pasqueflower Mason Bee Mégachile des pulsatilles Global Partially Reviewed View PDF

Invertebrate Animal - Mayflies

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Baetis persecutor Galling Small Minnow Mayfly Baétis persécuteur Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Heptagenia whitingi Whiting's Flat-headed Mayfly Heptagénie de Whiting Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Rhithrogena gaspeensis Mount Lyall Flat-headed Mayfly Heptagénie de Gaspésie Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Other Bees

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Lasioglossum sablense Sable Island Sweat Bee Halicte de l'île de Sable Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lasioglossum yukonae Yukon Sweat Bee Halicte du Yukon Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Other Beetles

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Brychius hungerfordi Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetle Haliple de Hungerford; Haliplide de Hungerford Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Coccinella transversoguttata Transverse Lady Beetle Coccinelle à bandes transverses Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lypoglossa manitobae Brownish Minute Rove Beetle Aléochare brunâtre Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Naemia seriata Seaside Lady Beetle Coccinelle côtière Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Nicrophorus americanus American Burying Beetle Nécrophore d'Amérique Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Other Flies and Keds

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Germaria angustata Dune Tachinid Fly Mouche tachinide des dunes North American Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Other Moths

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Agrotis arenarius Sable Island Cutworm Moth North American Low Star Rating View PDF
Anacampsis lupinella Lupine Leafroller Moth Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Anarta edwardsii Edwards' Beach Moth Noctuelle d'Edwards Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Argyresthia flexilis a shiny head-standing moth Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Chionodes mikkolai a twirler moth Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cicinnus melsheimeri Melsheimer's Sack Bearer Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Copablepharon absidum Columbia Dune Moth Noctuelle jaune du bassin Columbia Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Copablepharon fuscum Sand-verbena Moth Noctuelle de l'abronie Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Copablepharon grandis Pale Yellow Dune Moth Noctuelle jaune pâle des dunes Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Copablepharon longipenne longipenne Dusky Dune Moth Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Copablepharon viridisparsa a noctuid moth Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Dichagyris reliqua a dart moth Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Epimecis hortaria Tulip-Tree Beauty Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eutelia pulcherrimus Beautiful Eutelia Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Euxoa apopsis a dart moth Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Euxoa muldersi Mulder's Dart Moth Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Euxoa unica a dart moth Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lacosoma chiridota Scalloped Sack-bearer Moth Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lasionycta macleani a noctuid moth Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lithophane scottae a pinion moth Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Lithophane scottae a pinion moth Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Mellilla xanthometata Orange Wing Moth Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Metarranthis apiciaria Barrens Metarranthis Moth Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Neoligia semicana Northern Brocade Moth Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Nycteola metaspilella Forgotten Frigid Owlet Moth Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Olceclostera angelica Angel Moth Canadian Partially Reviewed View PDF
Plagiomimicus pityochromus Black-barred Brown Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Polygrammate hebraeicum Hebrew Moth Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Prays atomocella Hoptree Ermine Moth Perceur du ptéléa Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Prodoxus quinquepunctella Five-spotted Bogus Yucca Moth Fausse-teigne à cinq points du yucca Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Psaphida styracis Fawn Sallow Moth Canadian Partially Reviewed View PDF
Psaphida thaxterianus Thaxter's Sallow Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pyrrhia aurantiago False-foxglove Sun Moth Héliotin orangé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Schinia avemensis Gold-edged Gem Moth Héliotin d'Aweme Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Schinia bimatris White Flower Moth Héliotin blanc satiné Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Schinia sexata a noctuid moth Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Schinia verna Verna's Flower Moth Héliotin de Verna Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Tegeticula corruptrix Non-pollinating Yucca Moth Teigne tricheuse du yucca Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Tegeticula yuccasella Yucca Moth Teigne du yucca Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Papaipema Moths

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Papaipema aweme Aweme Borer Moth Perce-tige d'Aweme Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Predaceous Diving Beetles

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Sanfilippodytes bertae Bert's Predaceous Diving Beetle Dytique de Bert; Hydropore de Bertha Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Robber Flies

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Efferia okanagana Okanagan Efferia Asile de l'Okanagan Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lasiopogon pacificus Pacific Sand-robber Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Spiders and other Chelicerates

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Gnaphosa snohomish Georgia Basin Bog Spider Gnaphose de Snohomish Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Terrestrial Snails

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Allogona profunda Broad-banded Forestsnail Escargot-forestier écharge Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Allogona townsendiana Oregon Forestsnail Escargot-forestier de Townsend Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Anguispira kochi kochi Eastern Banded Tigersnail Escargot-tigre à bandes de l’Est Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cryptomastix devia Puget Oregonian Snail Escargot du Puget Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hemphillia dromedarius Dromedary Jumping-slug Limace-sauteuse dromadaire Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hemphillia glandulosa Warty Jumping-slug Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Inflectarius inflectus Shagreen Escargot galuchat Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Kootenaia burkei Pygmy Slug Limace pygmée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Magnipelta mycophaga Magnum Mantleslug Limace à grand manteau Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Mediappendix aprica Diurnal Ambersnail Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Mediappendix aprica Diurnal Ambersnail Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Mediappendix exilis Pleistocene Catinella Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Mediappendix exilis Pleistocene Catinella Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Mesodon zaletus Toothed Globe Gobelet dentelé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Patera pennsylvanica Proud Globelet Patère de Pennsylvanie Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Philomycus carolinianus Carolina Mantleslug Limace à manteau de la Caroline Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Prophysaon coeruleum Blue-grey Taildropper Limace-prophyse bleu-gris Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Staala gwaii Haida Gwaii Slug Limace de Haida Gwaii Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Vallonia terraenovae Newfoundland Vallonia Snail Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Vertigo rowellii Threaded Vertigo Vertigo à crêtes fines Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Webbhelix multilineata Striped Whitelip Polyspire rayé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Zacoleus idahoensis Sheathed Slug Limace gainée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Tiger Beetles

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Cicindela formosa gibsoni Gibson’s Big Sand Tiger Beetle Cicindèle à grandes taches de Gibson Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Cicindela formosa gibsoni Gibson’s Big Sand Tiger Beetle Cicindèle à grandes taches de Gibson Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Cicindela marginipennis Cobblestone Tiger Beetle Cicindèle des galets Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Cicindela parowana wallisi Wallis' Dark Saltflat Tiger Beetle Cicindèle de Wallis Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cicindela patruela Northern Barrens Tiger Beetle Cicindèle verte des pinèdes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ellipsoptera lepida Ghost Tiger Beetle Cicindèle blanche Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Omus audouini Audouin's Night-stalking Tiger Beetle Cicindèle d'Audouin; Cicindèle d’Audouin Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - Tiger Moths

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Apantesis complicata Island Tiger Moth Apantèse compliquée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Chelis lafontainei Lafontaine's Tiger Moth Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Dodia kononenkoi Kononenko's Dodia Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Dodia tarandus Woodland Tiger Moth Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Dodia verticalis Straight-lined Dodia Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Haploa reversa Reversed Haploa Moth Haploa inversé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Invertebrate Animal - True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies

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Aflexia rubranura Red-tailed Prairie Leafhopper Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Aflexia rubranura pop. 1 Red-tailed Leafhopper - Great Lakes Plains population Cicadelle à queue rouge - population des plaines des Grands Lacs Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Aflexia rubranura pop. 2 Red-tailed Leafhopper - Prairie population Cicadelle à queue rouge - Population des Prairies Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Athysanella resusca Beringian Grass Leafhopper Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Athysanella secunda a leafhopper Global Low Star Rating View PDF

Nonvascular Plant - Liverworts

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Endogemma caespiticia Carpet-like Flapwort Jungermannie grégaire Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Lejeunea alaskana Alaska Pouncewort Lejeunée d'Alaska Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Radula tenax Tenacious Scalewort Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Scapania irrigua ssp. rufescens Beach Earwort Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Nonvascular Plant - Mosses

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Andreaea sinuosa a rock moss Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Bartramia aprica Rigid Apple Moss Bartramie à feuilles dressées Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bartramia halleriana Haller's Apple Moss Bartramie de Haller Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Brachydontium olympicum Pacific Volcano Moss Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bryoandersonia illecebra Spoon-leaved Moss Andersonie charmante Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Buxbaumia minakatae Minakata's Hump-backed Elves Moss Buxbaumie de Minakata Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Campylostelium saxicola Sandstone Swan-neck Moss Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cyrto-hypnum minutulum Tiny Cedar Moss Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Ditrichum rhynchostegium Red-stalked Hair Moss Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Entodon schleicheri Schleicher's Silk Moss Entodon de Schleicher Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Fissidens exilis Pygmy Pocket Moss Fissident pygmée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Funaria flavicans Pale Cord Moss Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Grimmia olneyi Olney's Grimmia Grimmie d'Olney Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hygrohypnum montanum Mountain Brook Moss Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Isopterygium tenerum Delicate Luster Moss Isoptérygie délicate Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ptychomitrium incurvum Incurved Grizzled Moss Ptychomitre à feuilles incurvées Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Seligeria acutifolia Acute-Leaved Small Limestone Moss Séligérie à feuilles aiguës Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Seligeria careyana Carey's Small Limestone Moss Séligérie de Carey Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Seligeria recurvata Recurved Bristle Moss Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sphagnum cyclophyllum Circular-leaf Peatmoss Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Tetrodontium brownianum var. ovatum Brown's Four-toothed Moss Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Tetrodontium repandum Small Four-toothed Moss Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Tortula porteri Porter's Twisted Moss Tortule de Porter Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Trematodon boasii Boas' Trematodon Moss North American Partially Reviewed View PDF
Trematodon montanus Montane Trematodon Moss Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Triquetrella californica California Triquetrella Moss Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Wijkia carlottae Carlott's Wijkia Moss Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Vascular Plant - Adder's-tongues, Grapeferns, and Moonworts

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Botrychium michiganense Michigan Moonwort Botryche du Michigan Canadian Partially Reviewed View PDF
Botrychium montanum Mountain Moonwort Botryche des montagnes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Botrychium pallidum Pale Moonwort Botryche pâle Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Botrychium pseudopinnatum False Northwestern Moonwort Botryche du lac Supérieur Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Vascular Plant - Conifers

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Pinus rigida Pitch Pine Pin rigide Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF

Vascular Plant - Dicots

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Abronia latifolia Yellow Sand-verbena Abronie à feuilles larges Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Abronia umbellata Pink Sand-verbena Abronie rose Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Abronia umbellata ssp. breviflora Pink Sand-verbena Abronie rose du Nord Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Achillea millefolium var. megacephala Large-headed Woolly Yarrow Achillée à gros capitules Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Actaea elata Tall Bugbane Cimicaire élevée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Agalinis aspera Rough Agalinis Gérardie rude Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Agalinis gattingeri Gattinger's Agalinis Gérardie de Gattinger Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Agalinis skinneriana Skinner's Agalinis Gérardie de Skinner Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Amelanchier fernaldii Fernald's Serviceberry Amélanchier de Fernald Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Ammannia robusta Scarlet Ammannia Ammannie robuste Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Antennaria corymbosa Flat-top Pussytoes Antennaire à corymbe Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Antennaria flagellaris Stoloniferous Pussytoes Antennaire stolonifère Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Aquilegia jonesii Jones' Columbine Ancolie de Jones Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea Sanddune Rockcress Arabette des rochers Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Armeria maritima ssp. interior Athabasca Thrift Arméria de l'Athabasca Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Arnica louiseana Lake Louise Arnica Arnica du lac Louise Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Arnoglossum plantagineum Groove-stemmed Plantain Arnoglosse plantain Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Artemisia globularia ssp. globularia Purple Wormwood Armoise globulaire Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Artemisia woodii Yukon Wormwood Armoise de Wood Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Asclepias lanuginosa Woolly Milkweed Asclépiade laineuse Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Asclepias quadrifolia Four-leaved Milkweed Asclépiade à quatre feuilles Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Asclepias sullivantii Prairie Milkweed Asclépiade de Sullivant Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Astragalus kentrophyta var. kentrophyta Spiny Milk-vetch Astragale épineux Canadian Partially Reviewed View PDF
Astragalus racemosus var. racemosus Creamy Milk-vetch Astragale à grappes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Atriplex powellii var. powellii Powell's Saltbush Arroche de Powell Canadian Partially Reviewed View PDF
Aureolaria flava Smooth Yellow False Foxglove Gérardie jaune Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Aureolaria pedicularia Fern-leaved Yellow False Foxglove Gérardie fausse-pédiculaire; Gérardie fausse-pédicularie Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Aureolaria virginica Downy Yellow False Foxglove Gérardie de Virginie Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Baccharis halimifolia Eastern Baccharis Baccharis à feuilles d'arroche Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Balsamorhiza deltoidea Deltoid Balsamroot Balsamorhize à feuilles deltoïdes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Baptisia tinctoria Yellow Wild Indigo Baptisie des teinturiers Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Betula lenta Cherry Birch Bouleau flexible; Merisier rouge Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Bidens eatonii Eaton's Beggarticks Bident d'Eaton Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Bidens eatonii Eaton's Beggarticks Bident d'Eaton Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bidens heterodoxa Connecticut Beggarticks Bident différent Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Bidens heterodoxa Connecticut Beggarticks Bident différent Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Blephilia ciliata Downy Wood Mint Bléphilie ciliée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Boechera quebecensis Quebec Rockcress Arabette du Québec Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Braya fernaldii Fernald's Braya Braya de Fernald Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Braya humilis ssp. maccallae McCalla's Braya Braya de McCalla Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Braya humilis ssp. porsildii Porsild's Braya Braya de Porsild Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Braya longii Long's Braya Braya de Long Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Braya pilosa Hairy Braya Braya poilu Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Brickellia grandiflora Large-flowered Brickellia Brickellie à grandes fleurs Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Buchnera americana Bluehearts Buchnéra d'Amérique Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Cacaliopsis nardosmia Silvercrown Cacalie faux-pétasite Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Calystegia soldanella Seashore False Bindweed Liseron des dunes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Camissonia contorta Contorted-pod Evening-primrose Onagre à fruits tordus Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Castanea dentata American Chestnut Châtaignier d'Amérique Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Castilleja levisecta Golden Paintbrush Castilléjie dorée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Castilleja rupicola Cliff Paintbrush Castilléjie des rochers Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Castilleja tenuis Hairy Paintbrush Castilléjie grêle Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Castilleja victoriae Victoria's Owl-clover Castilléjie de Victoria Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Celtis tenuifolia Dwarf Hackberry Micocoulier rabougri Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Chaerophyllum shortii Short's Spreading Chervil Cerfeuil de Short Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Chenopodium foggii Fogg's Goosefoot Chénopode de Fogg Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Chenopodium foggii Fogg's Goosefoot Chénopode de Fogg Canadian Partially Reviewed View PDF
Chenopodium incanum var. incanum Mealy Goosefoot Chénopode farineux Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Chenopodium subglabrum Smooth Goosefoot Chénopode glabre Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Chimaphila maculata Spotted Wintergreen Chimaphile maculée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cicuta maculata var. victorinii Victorin's Water-hemlock Cicutaire de Victorin Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Cirsium pitcheri Pitcher's Thistle Chardon de Pitcher Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cirsium pumilum var. hillii Hill's Thistle Chardon de Hill Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cirsium scariosum pop. 1 Meadow Thistle - Rocky Mountain population Chardon écailleux - Population des Rocheuses Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cirsium scariosum pop. 2 Meadow Thistle - Mingan population Chardon écailleux - Population de Mingan Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Claytonia ogilviensis Ogilvie Mountains Spring Beauty Claytonie des monts Ogilvie Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Claytonia washingtoniana Washington Spring Beauty Claytonie du Washington Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Collinsia verna Spring Blue-eyed Mary Collinsie printanière Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Collomia tenella Slender Collomia Collomia délicat Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Coreopsis rosea Pink Coreopsis Coréopsis rose Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Corispermum hookeri var. hookeri Hooker's Bugseed Corisperme de Hooker Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Corispermum hookeri var. pseudodeclinatum British Columbia Bugseed Corisperme pseudodécliné Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Corispermum ochotense var. alaskanum Alaska Bugseed Corisperme d'Alaska Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cornus florida Eastern Flowering Dogwood Cornouiller fleuri Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Crassula connata Erect Pygmyweed Tillée dressée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus aquacervensis Elkwater Hawthorn Aubépine d'Elkwater Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus beata Dunbar's Hawthorn Aubépine de Dunbar Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus chrysocarpa var. vernonensis Vernon Hawthorn Aubépine de Vernon Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus coccinioides Kansas Hawthorn Aubépine dilatée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus enderbyensis Enderby Hawthorn Aubépine d'Enderby Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus nitidula Ontario Hawthorn Aubépine chatoyante Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Crataegus okennonii O'Kennon's Hawthorn Aubépine de O'Kennon Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus orbicularis Orbicular-leaved Hawthorn Aubépine orbiculaire Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus perjucunda Middlesex Frosted Hawthorn Aubépine agréable Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus phippsii Phipps' Hawthorn Aubépine de Phipps Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Crataegus phippsii Phipps' Hawthorn Aubépine de Phipps Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus purpurella Loch Lomond Hawthorn Aubépine purpurine Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus rivuloadamensis Adams Creek Hawthorn Aubépine du ruisseau Adams Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus rivulopugnensis Battle Creek Hawthorn Aubépine de Battle Creek Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus rubribracteolata Red Bracteole Hawthorn Aubépine à bractéoles rouges Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus sheila-phippsiae var. saskatchewanensis Saskatchewan Hawthorn Aubépine de Saskatchewan Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Crataegus sheila-phippsiae var. sheila-phippsiae Sheila Phipps' Hawthorn Aubépine de Sheila Phipps Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crataegus suborbiculata Caughuawaga Hawthorn Aubépine suborbiculaire Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crepis modocensis ssp. rostrata Siskiyou Hawk's-beard Crépis rostré Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crepis occidentalis ssp. conjuncta Western Hawksbeard Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crucihimalaya virgata Slender Mouse-ear-cress Arabette mince Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cryptantha minima Tiny Cryptantha Cryptanthe minuscule Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cuscuta coryli Hazel Dodder Cuscute du noisetier Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Dalea villosa Hairy Prairie-clover Dalée velue Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Dalea villosa var. villosa Hairy Prairie-clover Dalée velue Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Desmodium canescens Hoary Tick-trefoil Desmodie blanchâtre Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Desmodium illinoense Illinois Tick-trefoil Desmodie d'Illinois Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Douglasia alaskana Alaska Dwarf Primrose Douglasie d'Alaska Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Draba bruce-bennettii Klaza Draba Drave de la Klaza Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Draba caswellii Caswell's Draba Drave de Caswell Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Draba cayouettei Cayouette's Draba Drave de Cayouette Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Draba densifolia Dense-leaved Draba Drave à feuillage dense Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Draba franktonii Frankton's Draba Drave de Frankton Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Draba puvirnituqii Puvirnituq Mountain Draba Drave des monts de Puvirnituq Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Draba taylorii Taylor's Draba Drave de Taylor Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Draba taylorii Taylor's Draba Drave de Taylor Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Draba yukonensis Yukon Draba Drave du Yukon Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Draba yukonensis Yukon Draba Drave du Yukon Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Drosera filiformis Thread-leaved Sundew Droséra filiforme Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Elatine ojibwayensis Ojibway Waterwort Élatine du lac Ojibway Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Elmera racemosa Yellow Coralbells Elmérie à grappes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Enemion biternatum Eastern False Rue-anemone Isopyre à feuilles biternées Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Enemion savilei Queen Charlotte Islands False Rue-anemone Isopyre de Savile Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Epilobium densiflorum Dense Spike-primrose Épilobe densiflore Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Epilobium oregonense Oregon Willowherb Épilobe d'Oregon; Épilobe d'Orégon Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Epilobium torreyi Brook Spike-primrose Épilobe de Torrey Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ericameria bloomeri Rabbit-brush Goldenweed Éricaméria de Bloomer Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erigeron lackschewitzii Lackschewitz's Fleabane Vergerette de Lackschewitz Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erigeron leibergii Leiberg's Fleabane Vergerette de Leiberg Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erigeron muirii Muir's Fleabane Vergerette de Muir Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Erigeron ochroleucus Buff Fleabane Vergerette jaunâtre Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erigeron philadelphicus var. glaber Vancouver Island Fleabane Vergerette de Philadelphie glabre Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erigeron philadelphicus var. provancheri Provancher's Fleabane Vergerette de Provancher Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erigeron trifidus Three-lobed Fleabane Vergerette trifide Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Erigeron yukonensis Yukon Fleabane Vergerette du Yukon Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Eriogonum flavum var. aquilinum Yukon Wild Buckwheat Ériogone du Nord Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eriogonum pyrolifolium var. coryphaeum Alpine Buckwheat Ériogone laineux Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Euonymus occidentalis var. occidentalis Western Strawberry-bush Fusain occidental; Fusain occidental typique Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eupatorium altissimum Tall Boneset Eupatoire élevée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Euphorbia commutata (sensu lato) Tinted Woodland Spurge Euphorbe variable Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eurybia divaricata White Wood Aster Aster divariqué; Aster à rameaux étalés Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eurybia radulina Rough-leaved Aster Aster râpette Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Frasera caroliniensis American Columbo Frasère de Caroline Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Fraxinus latifolia Oregon Ash Frêne d'Oregon; Frêne d'Orégon Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Fraxinus nigra Black Ash Frêne noir Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Red Ash Frêne rouge Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Fraxinus profunda Pumpkin Ash Frêne pubescent Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Fraxinus quadrangulata Blue Ash Frêne anguleux; Frêne bleu Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Gentiana alba White Prairie Gentian Gentiane blanche Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Gentiana clausa Blind Gentian Gentiane close Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Gentianopsis detonsa ssp. raupii Raup's Fringed Gentian Gentiane de Raup Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Gentianopsis virgata ssp. victorinii Victorin's Fringed Gentian Gentianopsis de Victorin Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Geum schofieldii Queen Charlotte Avens Benoîte de Schofield Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Gymnocladus dioicus Kentucky Coffee-tree Chicot févier Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Hesperochiron pumilus Dwarf Hesperochiron Hespérochiron nain Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hieracium gronovii Queen Devil Hawkweed Épervière de Gronovius Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hosackia gracilis Seaside Bird's-foot Lotus Lotier splendide Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Hosackia pinnata Bog Bird's-foot Trefoil Lotier à feuilles pennées Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hudsonia ericoides Pine Barren Golden-heather Hudsonie éricoïde Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Hybanthus concolor Eastern Green Violet Hybanthe à fleurs verdâtres Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hydrastis canadensis Goldenseal Hydraste du Canada; Sceau d'or Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hydrocotyle umbellata Water Pennywort Hydrocotyle à ombelle Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Hydrophyllum appendiculatum Appendage Waterleaf Hydrophylle appendiculé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hypericum gentianoides False St. John's-wort Millepertuis fausse-gentiane Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ionactis linariifolia Flax-leaved Aster Aster à feuilles de linaire Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ipomoea pandurata Big-root Morning Glory Ipomée sauvage Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Juglans cinerea Butternut Noyer cendré Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Justicia americana American Water-willow Carmantine d'Amérique; Justicia d'Amérique Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Krigia biflora Two-flowered Dwarf-dandelion Krigie à deux fleurs Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lasthenia glaberrima Rayless Goldfields Lasthénie glabre Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Lathyrus littoralis Silky Beach Pea Gesse littorale Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lechea intermedia var. depauperata Impoverished Pinweed Léchéa appauvri Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lechea maritima var. subcylindrica Gulf of St. Lawrence Pinweed Léchéa du golfe Saint-Laurent Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lechea stricta Strict Pinweed Léchéa dressé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lespedeza virginica Slender Bush-clover Lespédèze de Virginie Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lewisiopsis tweedyi Tweedy's Lewisia Cistanthe de Tweedy; Léwisie de Tweedy Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lilaeopsis chinensis Eastern Lilaeopsis Liléopsis de l'Est Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Limnanthes macounii Macoun's Meadowfoam Limnanthe de Macoun Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Linum medium var. texanum Texas Flax Lin du Texas Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lomatium grayi Gray's Desert-parsley Lomatium de Gray Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Ludwigia polycarpa Many-fruit Seedbox Ludwigie polycarpe Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lupinus densiflorus Dense-flowered Lupine Lupin densiflore Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Lupinus rivularis Streambank Lupine Lupin des ruisseaux Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lyonia ligustrina Maleberry Lyonie faux-troène; Lyonie ligustrine Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Magnolia acuminata Cucumber Tree Magnolia acuminé Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Marah oregana Coast Manroot Marah d'Oregon; Marah d'Orégon Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Meconella oregana White Meconella Méconelle d'Oregon; Méconelle d'Orégon Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Mertensia drummondii Drummond's Bluebells Mertensie de Drummond Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Micranthes gaspensis Gaspé Saxifrage Saxifrage de Gaspésie Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Micranthes spicata Spiked Saxifrage Saxifrage en épi Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Micranthes tischii Olympic Saxifrage Saxifrage de Tisch Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Micranthes tischii Olympic Saxifrage Saxifrage de Tisch Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Microseris bigelovii Coast Microseris Microséris de Bigelow Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Mimulus glabratus var. jamesii James' Monkeyflower Mimule de James Canadian Partially Reviewed View PDF
Morus rubra Red Mulberry Mûrier rouge Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Neoholmgrenia andina Upland Evening-primrose Onagre des Andes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Nymphaea loriana Lori's Water-lily Nymphéa de Lori Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Opuntia cespitosa Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus Oponce de l'Est Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Orthocarpus barbatus Grand Coulee Owl's-clover Orthocarpe barbu Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Orthocarpus bracteosus Rosy Owl-clover Orthocarpe à épi feuillu Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Oxytropis arctica var. murrayi Murray's Locoweed Oxytrope de Murray Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Oxytropis besseyi var. besseyi Bessey's Locoweed Oxytrope de Bessey Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Oxytropis lagopus Hare's-foot Locoweed Oxytrope patte-de-lièvre Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Oxytropis lagopus var. conjugans Hare's-foot Locoweed Oxytrope patte-de-lièvre Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Panax quinquefolius American Ginseng Ginseng à cinq folioles Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pedicularis furbishiae Furbish's Lousewort Pédiculaire de Furbish Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Phacelia lyallii Lyall's Phacelia Phacélie de Lyall Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Phacelia purshii Pursh's Phacelia Phacélie de Pursh Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Phacelia ramosissima Branched Phacelia Phacélie rameuse Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Phlox speciosa ssp. occidentalis Showy Phlox Phlox de l'Ouest Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Phyla lanceolata Lance-leaved Fogfruit Phyla à feuilles lancéolées Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Plagiobothrys figuratus Fragrant Popcornflower Plagiobothryde odorante Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Plagiobothrys tenellus Slender Popcornflower Plagiobothryde délicate Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Plantago cordata Heart-leaved Plantain Plantain à feuilles cordées Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Podistera yukonensis Yukon Podistera Podistère du Yukon Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Polemonium vanbruntiae Van Brunt's Jacob's-ladder Polémoine de Van Brunt Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Polygala incarnata Pink Milkwort Polygale incarnat Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Polygonum austiniae Austin's Knotweed Renouée d'Austin Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Potentilla macounii Macoun's Cinquefoil Potentille de Macoun Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Psilocarphus brevissimus pop. 1 Dwarf Woolly-heads - Southern Mountain population Psilocarphe nain - Population des montagnes du Sud Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Psilocarphus brevissimus pop. 2 Dwarf Woolly-heads - Prairie population Psilocarphe nain - Population des Prairies Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Psilocarphus elatior Tall Woolly-heads Psilocarphe élevé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ptelea trifoliata Common Hoptree Ptéléa trifolié Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Pycnanthemum incanum Hoary Mountain-mint Pycnanthème gris Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Quercus shumardii Shumard Oak Chêne de Shumard Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Ranunculus alismifolius Water-plantain Buttercup Renoncule à feuilles d'alisme Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Ranunculus allenii Allen's Buttercup Renoncule d'Allen Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Ranunculus californicus California Buttercup Renoncule de Californie Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ripariosida hermaphrodita Virginia Mallow Mauve de Virginie; Sida hermaphrodite Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Rosa setigera Climbing Prairie Rose Rosier sétigère Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Rotala ramosior pop. 1 Toothcup - Great Lakes Plains population Rotala rameux - Population des plaines des Grands Lacs Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Rotala ramosior pop. 2 Toothcup - Southern Mountain population Rotala rameux - Population des montagnes du Sud Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sabatia kennedyana Plymouth Gentian Sabatie de Kennedy Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sabulina litorea Seashore Stitchwort Minuartie des grèves; Sabline des grèves Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sabulina pusilla Dwarf Stitchwort Sabline naine Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Salix brachycarpa var. psammophila Sand-dune Short-capsuled Willow Saule psammophile Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Salix calcicola var. glandulosior Glandular Limestone Willow Saule glanduleux Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Salix chlorolepis Green-scaled Willow Saule à bractées vertes Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Salix jejuna Barrens Willow Saule des landes Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Salix raupii Raup's Willow Saule de Raup Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Salix silicicola Blanket-leaved Willow Saule silicicole Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Salix turnorii Turnor's Willow Saule de Turnor Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Salix tyrrellii Tyrrell's Willow Saule de Tyrrell Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sanicula arctopoides Bear's-foot Sanicle Sanicle patte-d'ours Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sanicula bipinnatifida Purple Sanicle Sanicle bipinnatifide Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Saxifraga taylorii Taylor's Saxifrage Saxifrage de Taylor Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sedum villosum Purple Stonecrop Orpin velu Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Senecio integerrimus var. scribneri Scribner's Ragwort Séneçon de Scribner Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Senecio megacephalus Large-flowered Ragwort Séneçon à grands capitules Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Senecio sheldonensis Mount Sheldon Ragwort Séneçon du mont Sheldon Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Senna hebecarpa Wild Senna Casse à fruits velus Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sericocarpus rigidus White-top Aster Aster rigide Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Silene scouleri ssp. scouleri Coastal Scouler's Catchfly Silène de Scouler Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Silene spaldingii Spalding's Campion Silène de Spalding Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sinosenecio newcombei Newcombe's Butterweed Séneçon de Newcombe Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Solidago chlorolepis Mt. Albert Goldenrod Verge d'or à bractées vertes Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Solidago gillmanii Gillman's Goldenrod Verge d'or de Gillman Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Solidago houghtonii Houghton's Goldenrod Verge d'or de Houghton Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Solidago pallida Pale Showy Goldenrod Verge d'or pâle; Verge d'or voyante - Population boréale Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Solidago riddellii Riddell's Goldenrod Verge d'or de Riddell Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Solidago rigidiuscula Stiff-leaved Showy Goldenrod Verge d'or à feuilles raides Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Stellaria americana American Starwort Stellaire d'Amérique Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Stylophorum diphyllum Wood-poppy Stylophore à deux feuilles Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Suaeda rolandii Roland's Sea-blite Suéda de Roland Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Suaeda rolandii Roland's Sea-blite Suéda de Roland Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Symphyotrichum anticostense Anticosti Aster Aster d'Anticosti Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Symphyotrichum frondosum Short-rayed Alkali Aster Aster des terrains alcalins; Aster feuillu Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Symphyotrichum laurentianum Gulf of St. Lawrence Aster Aster du golfe Saint-Laurent Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Symphyotrichum nahanniense Nahanni Aster Aster de la Nahanni Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides Crooked-stem Aster Aster fausse-prenanthe Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Symphyotrichum sericeum Western Silvery Aster Aster soyeux Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Symphyotrichum subulatum Annual Saltmarsh Aster Aster subulé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Symphyotrichum undulatum Wavy-leaved Aster Aster ondulé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Tanacetum bipinnatum var. 1 Floccose Tansy Tanaisie floconneuse Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Taraxacum carneocoloratum Pink Dandelion Pissenlit couleur chair Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Tephrosia virginiana Virginia Goat's-rue Téphrosie de Virginie Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Tetraneuris herbacea Lakeside Daisy Hyménoxys herbacé Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Tonella tenella Small-flowered Tonella Tonelle délicate Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Townsendia condensata Alpine Townsendia Townsendie en coussin Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Trichostema dichotomum Forked Bluecurls Trichostème fourchu Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Triphysaria versicolor Bearded Owl's-clover Triphysaire versicolore Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Tripterocalyx micranthus Small-flowered Sand-verbena Abronie à petites fleurs Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Uropappus lindleyi Lindley's False Silverpuffs Uropappe de Lindley Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Vaccinium stamineum Deerberry Airelle à longues étamines Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Valeriana edulis ssp. ciliata Hairy Valerian Valériane ciliée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Vernonia fasciculata Fascicled Ironweed Vernonie fasciculée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Viola biflora var. carlottae Queen Charlotte Islands Violet Violette des îles de la Reine-Charlotte Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Viola howellii Howell's Violet Violette de Howell Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Viola pedata Bird's-foot Violet Violette pédalée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Viola praemorsa Yellow Montane Violet Violette jaune des monts Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Viola praemorsa var. praemorsa Yellow Montane Violet Violette jaune des monts Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Viola purpurea var. venosa Purple-marked Yellow Violet Violette veinée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Zeltnera muehlenbergii Muhlenberg's Centaury Petite-centaurée de Muhlenberg Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Vascular Plant - Leptosporangiate Ferns

Scientific Name English Name Nom Francais Scope Status PDF Link GIS Data Link
Adiantum capillus-veneris Southern Maidenhair Fern Adiante cheveux-de-vénus Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Asplenium ruta-muraria var. cryptolepis Wallrue Spleenwort Doradille des murailles Canadian Partially Reviewed View PDF
Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum American Hart's-tongue Fern Scolopendre d'Amérique Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Azolla mexicana Mexican Mosquito Fern Azolle du Mexique Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Coryphopteris simulata Massachusetts Fern Thélyptère simulatrice Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Dryopteris arguta Coastal Wood Fern Dryoptère côtière; Dryoptéride côtière Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Phegopteris hexagonoptera Broad Beech Fern Phégoptère à hexagones Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Polystichum lemmonii Lemmon's Holly Fern Polystic de Lemmon Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Polystichum scopulinum Mountain Holly Fern Polystic des rochers Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Woodsia obtusa Blunt-lobed Woodsia Woodsie à lobes arrondis Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Vascular Plant - Monocots

Scientific Name English Name Nom Francais Scope Status PDF Link GIS Data Link
Aletris farinosa White Colicroot Alétris farineux Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Andropogon hallii Sand Bluestem Barbon de Hall Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Aplectrum hyemale Puttyroot Aplectrelle d'hiver Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Arisaema dracontium Green Dragon Arisème dragon Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Aristida basiramea Forked Three-awned Grass Aristide à rameaux basilaires Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Aristida longespica Slim-spike Threeawn Grass Aristide à panicule allongée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Aristida longespica var. geniculata Kearney's Threeawn Grass Aristide genouillée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bouteloua dactyloides Buffalograss Buchloé faux-dactyle Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Calochortus lyallii Lyall's Mariposa Lily Calochorte de Lyall Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Camassia scilloides Wild Hyacinth Camassie faux-scille; Jacinthe des bois Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Carex alata Broad-winged Sedge Carex ailé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Carex annectens Yellow-fruited Sedge Carex à gaine tronquée Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Carex baileyi Bailey's Sedge Carex de Bailey Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Carex jonesii Jones' Sedge Carex de Jones Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Carex juniperorum Juniper Sedge Carex des genévriers Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Carex longii Long's Sedge Carex de Long Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Carex lupuliformis False Hop Sedge Carex faux-lupulina Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Carex paysonis Payson's Sedge Carex de Payson Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Carex sabulosa Baikal Sedge Carex des sables Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Carex suberecta Prairie Straw Sedge Carex subdressé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Carex tumulicola Foothill Sedge Carex Tumulicole Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cephalanthera austiniae Phantom Orchid Céphalanthère d'Austin Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Corallorhiza odontorhiza Autumn Coralroot Corallorhize d'automne Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cyperus subsquarrosus Small-flowered Lipocarpha Lipocarphe à petites fleurs Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cypripedium candidum Small White Lady's-slipper Cypripède blanc Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cypripedium montanum Mountain Lady's-slipper Cypripède des montagnes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Echinochloa walteri Walter's Barnyard Grass Échinochloa de Walter Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eleocharis aestuum Tidal Spikerush Éléocharide des estuaires Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eleocharis atropurpurea Purple Spikerush Héléocharis pourpre-noir; Souchet pourpre-noir; Éléocharide pourpre-noir Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eleocharis diandra Wright's Spikerush Éléocharide à deux étamines Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Eleocharis diandra Wright's Spikerush Éléocharide à deux étamines Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eleocharis equisetoides Horsetail Spike-rush Éléocharide fausse-prêle Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Eleocharis geniculata Bent Spike-rush Éléocharide géniculée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eleocharis geniculata pop. 1 Bent Spike-rush - Southern Mountain population Éléocharide géniculée - Population des montagnes du Sud Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eleocharis quadrangulata Square-stemmed Spikerush Éléocharide à tige carrée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eleocharis tuberculosa Tubercled Spikerush Éléocharide tuberculée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eriocaulon parkeri Parker's Pipewort Ériocaulon de Parker Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Festuca pseudovivipara Queen Charlotte Islands Fescue Fétuque pseudovivipare Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Festuca washingtonica Washington Fescue Fétuque du Washington Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Festuca washingtonica Washington Fescue Fétuque du Washington Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hordeum pusillum Little Barley Orge naine Canadian Insufficient Data View PDF
Iris brevicaulis Short-stemmed Iris Iris brévicaule Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Iris lacustris Dwarf Lake Iris Iris lacustre Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Iris missouriensis Western Blue Iris Iris du Missouri Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Isotria medeoloides Small Whorled Pogonia Isotrie fausse-médéole Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Isotria verticillata Large Whorled Pogonia Isotrie verticillée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Juncus biflorus Two-flowered Rush Jonc biflore Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Juncus caesariensis New Jersey Rush Jonc du New Jersey Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Juncus kelloggii Kellogg's Rush Jonc de Kellogg Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lachnanthes caroliniana Carolina Redroot Lachnanthe de Caroline Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Liparis liliifolia Purple Twayblade Liparis à feuilles de lis Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lophiola aurea Golden-crest Lophiolie dorée Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Muhlenbergia andina Foxtail Muhly Muhlenbergie des Andes Canadian Partially Reviewed View PDF
Muhlenbergia sylvatica Woodland Muhly Muhlenbergie des bois Canadian Partially Reviewed View PDF
Najas gracillima Thread-like Naiad Naïade grêle Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Platanthera leucophaea Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid Platanthère blanchâtre de l'Est Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Platanthera leucophaea Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid Platanthère blanchâtre de l'Est Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Platanthera praeclara Western Prairie Fringed Orchid Platanthère blanchâtre de l'Ouest Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Poa suksdorfii Suksdorf's Bluegrass Pâturin de Suksdorf Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Poa sylvestris Woodland Bluegrass Pâturin des forêts Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Potamogeton hillii Hill's Pondweed Potamot de Hill Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Potamogeton pulcher Spotted Pondweed Potamot gracieux Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Potamogeton x ogdenii Ogden's Pondweed Potamot d'Ogden; Potamot de Ogden Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Prosartes smithii Smith's Fairybells Prosartès de Smith Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Rhynchospora macrostachya Tall Beakrush Rhynchospore à gros épillets Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Scirpus longii Long's Bulrush Scirpe de Long Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Sisyrinchium fuscatum Coastal Plain Blue-eyed-grass Bermudienne fauve Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Smilax rotundifolia pop. 1 Round-leaved Greenbrier - Great Lakes Plains population Smilax à feuilles rondes - Population des plaines des Grands Lacs Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Spiranthes diluvialis Ute Ladies'-tresses Spiranthe des terrains inondés Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Tradescantia occidentalis Western Spiderwort Tradescantie de l'Ouest Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Tradescantia occidentalis var. occidentalis Western Spiderwort Tradescantie de l'Ouest Global Partially Reviewed View PDF
Tradescantia occidentalis var. occidentalis Western Spiderwort Tradescantie de l'Ouest Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Trichophorum planifolium Bashful Clubrush Trichophore à feuilles plates Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Trillium flexipes Drooping Trillium Trille courbé; Trille à pédoncule incliné Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Triphora trianthophoros Nodding Pogonia Triphore penché Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Triteleia grandiflora var. howellii Howell's Triteleia Tritéléia de Howell Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Uvularia perfoliata Perfoliate Bellwort Uvulaire perfoliée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Yucca glauca Soapweed Yucca glauque Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Vascular Plant - Spikemosses and Quillworts

Scientific Name English Name Nom Francais Scope Status PDF Link GIS Data Link
Isoetes bolanderi Bolander's Quillwort Isoète de Bolander Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Isoetes engelmannii Engelmann's Quillwort Isoète d'Engelmann Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Isoetes laurentiana St. Lawrence Quillwort Isoète du Saint-Laurent Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Isoetes minima Columbia Quillwort Isoète du Columbia Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Isoetes prototypus Prototype Quillwort Isoète prototype Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF

Vertebrate Animal - Amphibians

Scientific Name English Name Nom Francais Scope Status PDF Link GIS Data Link
Acris blanchardi Blanchard's Cricket Frog Rainette grillon de Blanchard Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Ambystoma jeffersonianum Jefferson Salamander Salamandre de Jefferson Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ambystoma mavortium pop. 1 Western Tiger Salamander - Southern Mountain population Salamandre tigrée de l'Ouest - Population des montagnes du Sud Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ambystoma mavortium pop. 2 Western Tiger Salamander - Prairie / Boreal population Salamandre tigrée de l'Ouest - Population boréale et des Prairies Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ambystoma texanum Small-mouthed Salamander Salamandre à nez court Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Ambystoma x 1 Unisexual Ambystoma - Jefferson Salamander dependent population Ambystoma unisexué - Population dépendante de la salamandre de Jefferson Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ambystoma x 4 Unisexual Ambystoma - Small-mouthed Salamander dependent population Ambystoma unisexué - Population dépendante de la salamandre à petite bouche Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Aneides vagrans Wandering Salamander Salamandre errante; Salamandre pommelée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ascaphus montanus Rocky Mountain Tailed Frog Grenouille-à-queue des Rocheuses Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Ascaphus truei Coastal Tailed Frog Grenouille-a-queue côtière Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Desmognathus fuscus pop. 1 Northern Dusky Salamander - Carolinian population Salamandre sombre du Nord - population carolinienne Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Desmognathus ochrophaeus pop. 1 Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander - Carolinian population Salamandre sombre des montagnes - Population carolinienne Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Desmognathus ochrophaeus pop. 2 Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander - Appalachian population Salamandre sombre des montagnes - Population des Appalaches Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Dicamptodon tenebrosus Coastal Giant Salamander Grande salamandre Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ensatina eschscholtzii Ensatina Salamandre variable Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus Spring Salamander Salamandre pourpre Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus pop. 1 Spring Salamander - Carolinian population Salamandre pourpre - Population carolinienne Canadian Insufficient Data View PDF
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus pop. 2 Spring Salamander - Adirondack / Appalachian population Salamandre pourpre - Population des Adirondacks et des Appalaches Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lithobates pipiens pop. 1 Northern Leopard Frog - Rocky Mountain population Grenouille léopard du Nord - Population des Rocheuses Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Lithobates pipiens pop. 2 Northern Leopard Frog - Western Boreal/Prairie populations Grenouille léopard du Nord - Populations des Prairies et de l'ouest de la zone boréale Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Plethodon idahoensis Coeur d'Alene Salamander Salamandre de Coeur d'Alène Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Plethodon vehiculum Western Red-backed Salamander Salamandre à dos rayé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Rana aurora Northern Red-legged Frog Grenouille à pattes rouges Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Rana pretiosa Oregon Spotted Frog Grenouille maculée de l'Oregon Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Spea intermontana Great Basin Spadefoot Crapaud du Grand Bassin Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Taricha granulosa Rough-skinned Newt Triton rugueux Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Vertebrate Animal - Birds

Scientific Name English Name Nom Francais Scope Status PDF Link GIS Data Link
Accipiter atricapillus laingi Queen Charlotte Goshawk Autour des palombes de la sous-espèce laingi Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Aegolius acadicus brooksi Northern Saw-whet Owl brooksi subspecies Petite nyctale brooksi Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Anthus spragueii Sprague's Pipit Pipit de Sprague Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ardea herodias fannini Great Blue Heron fannini subspecies Grand Héron de la sous-espèce fannini Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Brachyramphus marmoratus Marbled Murrelet Guillemot marbré Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Calamospiza melanocorys Lark Bunting Bruant noir et blanc Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Calcarius ornatus Chestnut-collared Longspur Bruant à ventre noir; Plectrophane à ventre noir Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Catharus bicknelli Bicknell's Thrush Grive de Bicknell Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Catherpes mexicanus Canyon Wren Troglodyte des canyons Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Centronyx bairdii Baird's Sparrow Bruant de Baird Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Centronyx henslowii Henslow's Sparrow Bruant de Henslow Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Dryobates albolarvatus White-headed Woodpecker Pic à tête blanche Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eremophila alpestris merrilli Merrill's Horned Lark Alouette hausse-col de Merrill Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Eremophila alpestris strigata Streaked Horned Lark Alouette hausse-col de la sous-espèce strigata; Alouette hausse-col strigata Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Falco peregrinus pealei Peale's Peregrine Falcon Falcon pèlerin pealei Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hylocichla mustelina Wood Thrush Grive des bois Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Megascops kennicottii kennicottii Western Screech-Owl kennicottii subspecies Petit-duc des montagnes de la sous-espèce kennicottii Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Megascops kennicottii macfarlanei Western Screech-Owl macfarlanei subspecies Petit-duc des montagnes de la sous-espèce macfarlanei Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pagophila eburnea Ivory Gull Mouette blanche Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Passerculus sandwichensis princeps Ipswich Sparrow Bruant des prés de la sous-espèce princeps Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pooecetes gramineus affinis Coastal Vesper Sparrow Bruant vespéral de la sous-espèce affinis Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Ptychoramphus aleuticus Cassin's Auklet Starique de Cassin Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Rhodostethia rosea Ross's Gull Mouette rosée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Rhynchophanes mccownii Thick-billed Longspur Bruant de McCown; Plectrophane de McCown Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Synthliboramphus antiquus Ancient Murrelet Guillemot à cou blanc Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Tyto alba pop. 1 Barn Owl - Western population Effraie des clochers - Population de l'Ouest Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Vertebrate Animal - Mammals

Scientific Name English Name Nom Francais Scope Status PDF Link GIS Data Link
Antrozous pallidus Pallid Bat Chauve-souris blonde Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Aplodontia rufa Mountain Beaver Castor de montagne Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Bison bison athabascae Wood Bison Bison des bois Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Bison bison bison Plains Bison Bison des prairies Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Clethrionomys gapperi occidentalis Washington Southern Red-backed Vole Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Cynomys ludovicianus Black-tailed Prairie Dog Chien de prairie Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Dicrostonyx nunatakensis Ogilvie Mountains Collared Lemming Lemming du Yukon Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Dipodomys ordii Ord's Kangaroo Rat Rat kangourou d'Ord Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Euderma maculatum Spotted Bat Oreillard maculé Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Glaucomys volans Southern Flying Squirrel Petit polatouche Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Microtus pinetorum Woodland Vole Campagnol sylvestre Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Mustela nigripes Black-footed Ferret Putois d'Amérique Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Myotis californicus California Myotis Chauve-souris de Californie Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Myotis thysanodes Fringed Myotis Chauve-souris à queue frangée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Myotis yumanensis Yuma Myotis Chauve-souris de Yuma Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Perimyotis subflavus Tricolored Bat Pipistrelle de l'Est Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Perognathus parvus Columbia Plateau Pocket Mouse Souris à abajoues des pinèdes Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Reithrodontomys megalotis dychei Dyche's Harvest Mouse Souris de Dyche Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Reithrodontomys megalotis megalotis Western Harvest Mouse Souris des moissons Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Scalopus aquaticus Eastern Mole Taupe à queue glabre Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Scapanus townsendii Townsend's Mole Taupe de Townsend Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sorex bendirii Pacific Water Shrew Musaraigne de bendire Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sorex dispar Long-tailed Shrew Musaraigne longicaude Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sorex dispar gaspensis Gaspé Shrew Musaraigne de Gaspé Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sorex merriami Merriam's Shrew Musaraigne de Merriam Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sorex navigator brooksi Vancouver Island Water Shrew Musaraigne de l'île Vancouver Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sorex preblei Preble's Shrew Musaraigne de Preble Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sorex rohweri Olympic Shrew Musaraigne de Rohwer Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sylvilagus nuttallii nuttallii Nuttall's Cottontail Lapin de Nuttall Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Thomomys talpoides segregatus Creston Northern Pocket Gopher Gaufre gris de Creston Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Gray Fox Renard gris Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Vulpes velox Swift Fox Renard véloce Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data

Vertebrate Animal - Reptiles

Scientific Name English Name Nom Francais Scope Status PDF Link GIS Data Link
Charina bottae Northern Rubber Boa Boa caoutchouc Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Coluber constrictor flaviventris Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer Couleuvre agile à ventre jaune de l'Est Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Coluber constrictor foxii Blue Racer Couleuvre agile bleue Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Coluber constrictor mormon Western Yellow-bellied Racer Couleuvre agile de l'Ouest; Couleuvre agile à ventre jaune de l'Ouest Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Contia tenuis Common Sharp-tailed Snake Couleuvre à queue fine; Couleuvre à queue pointue Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crotalus horridus Timber Rattlesnake Crotale des bois Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crotalus oreganus Western Rattlesnake Crotale de l'Ouest Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Crotalus viridis Prairie Rattlesnake Crotale des prairies Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Heterodon platirhinos Eastern Hog-nosed Snake Couleuvre à groin de L’Est; Couleuvre à nez plat Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Hypsiglena chlorophaea Desert Nightsnake Couleuvre nocturne; Couleuvre nocturne du désert Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Nerodia sipedon insularum Lake Erie Watersnake Couleuvre d'eau du lac Érié Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pantherophis spiloides pop. 1 Gray Ratsnake - Great Lakes / St. Lawrence population Couleuvre ratière grise - Population des Grands Lacs et du Saint-Laurent Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pantherophis spiloides pop. 2 Gray Ratsnake - Carolinian population Couleuvre ratière grise - Population carolinienne Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pantherophis vulpinus pop. 1 Eastern Foxsnake - Great Lakes / St. Lawrence population Couleuvre fauve de l'Est - Population des Grands Lacs et du Saint-Laurent Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pantherophis vulpinus pop. 2 Eastern Foxsnake - Carolinian population Couleuvre fauve de l'Est - Population carolinienne Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Phrynosoma douglasii Pygmy Short-horned Lizard Iguane pygmée à petites cornes; Lézard à petites cornes mineur Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pituophis catenifer catenifer Pacific Gophersnake Couleuvre à nez mince du Pacifique Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pituophis catenifer deserticola Great Basin Gophersnake Couleuvre à nez mince du Grand Bassin Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Pituophis catenifer sayi Bullsnake Couleuvre à nez mince des Prairies Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Plestiodon skiltonianus Western Skink Scinque de l'Ouest Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Regina septemvittata Queensnake Couleuvre royale Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sistrurus catenatus pop. 1 Massasauga - Great Lakes / St. Lawrence population Massasauga - Population des Grands Lacs et du Saint-Laurent Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Sistrurus catenatus pop. 2 Massasauga - Carolinian population Massasauga - Population carolinienne Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Thamnophis butleri Butler's Gartersnake Couleuvre à petite tête Canadian Low Star Rating View PDF
Thamnophis ordinoides Northwestern Gartersnake Couleuvre du Nord-Ouest Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Thamnophis sauritus pop. 2 Eastern Ribbonsnake - Great Lakes population Couleuvre mince - Population des Grands Lacs Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Thamnophis sauritus pop. 3 Eastern Ribbonsnake - Atlantic population Couleuvre mince - Population de l'Atlantique Global Low Star Rating View PDF

Vertebrate Animal - Turtles

Scientific Name English Name Nom Francais Scope Status PDF Link GIS Data Link
Apalone spinifera Spiny Softshell Tortue molle à épines Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Chrysemys picta marginata Midland Painted Turtle Tortue peinte du centre Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Chrysemys picta picta Eastern Painted Turtle Tortue peinte de l'Est Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Chrysemys picta pop. 1 Western Painted Turtle - Pacific Coast population Tortue peinte de l'Ouest - Population de la côte du Pacifique Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Chrysemys picta pop. 2 Western Painted Turtle - Intermountain - Rocky Mountain population Tortue peinte de l'Ouest - Population intramontagnarde - des Rocheuses Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Clemmys guttata Spotted Turtle Tortue ponctuée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Emydoidea blandingii pop. 1 Blanding's Turtle - Nova Scotia population Tortue mouchetée - Population de la Nouvelle-Écosse Global Low Star Rating View PDF
Emydoidea blandingii pop. 2 Blanding's Turtle - Great Lakes / St. Lawrence population Tortue mouchetée - Population des Grands Lacs et du Saint-Laurent Global Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Glyptemys insculpta Wood Turtle Tortue des bois Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Graptemys geographica Northern Map Turtle Tortue géographique Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Sternotherus odoratus Eastern Musk Turtle Tortue musquée Canadian Expert Reviewed View PDF Download GIS Data
Terrapene carolina Eastern Box Turtle Tortue boîte; Tortue tabatiere Canadian Insufficient Data View PDF